HC-32 Series Multi-Clamping Unit

The MULTI-CLAMP SYSTEM enables you to route single line runs, multiple runs of the same line diameters, or multiple runs of various diameters. Multiple line runs can be stacked to conserve space and make installations more rigid. Center line dimensions between all lines remain the same, both horizontal and vertical, when MULTI-CLAMPS are stacked. Mount an additional CLAMPING UNIT upon the existing MULTI-CLAMP and attach it by threading a thread adapter into the stacking nut. MULTI-CLAMPS are progressively built up this way with the last being secured by a standard bolt threaded into the STACKING NUT. The MULTI-CLAMP SYSTEM provides definite reference for measuring . . . so important in laying out line runs. Quite an advantage over clamping devices that change center distance both vertically and horizontally with each change in line diameter. This advantage can be fully realized when stacking line runs, because with MULTI-CLAMP, both vertical and horizontal center line distances remain specifically designed to give you exact spacing and ease of installation. MULTI-CLAMP is available in steel, stainless steel and aluminum. The standard bushing material is Styrene Butadiene.

For Use With
Industrial Hose Assembly
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Product Details

Applications Securing
Band Material Steel
For Use With Industrial Hose Assembly
ProductID AS401-1503
Material Finish Plated