
Ultra Crimp B2 x Female DIN Light Swivel

Male German DIN thread has a 24° seat, straight metric threads, and a recessed counterbore which matches the tube O.D. of the coupling used with it. The mating female is a 24° cone with O-Ring, a metric tube fitting or a universal 24° or 60° cone. Continental's crimp fittings provide maximum coupling retention on 1 and 2 braid hose as well as 4 and 6 spiral hose. Serrations penetrate the cover with a powerful bite into the wire reinforcement, resulting in even hose compression. Our B2 and SG families of 1pc., no-skive, crimp fittings cover nearly all sizes of wire-braid and wire-spiral reinforced hoses — providing a level of confidence and security when matching the right hose and the right fitting.

Fluid Conveying
For Use With
Import Hydraulic Equipment, Hydraulic Hoses
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Product Details

Applications Fluid Conveying
Bend Angle Straight
Brand Continental
End Style 1 DIN 24° Cone
For Use With Import Hydraulic Equipment
Gender 1 Female
ProductID HY204-2063
Material Steel
Series Ultra Crimp B2
Swivel True
Swivel 1 True